Lighthouse Blossom - 13

The pot has no drainage hole and has the ability to self-absorb water. A self-sustaining pot acts like the Earth's "mother rock," a nurturing source from which minerals and treasures emerge. These valuable deposits form inside or close to the pot, thanks to natural processes like mineral changes, heat, and pressure. Just imagine it as a special starting point for something beautiful and valuable to grow.

dia12.7cm * h13cm

select size below:

[[v.size]] [pre_order]



[[v.size]] [pre_order]


$[[v.unit_price]] $[[compute_price(v.unit_price, v.discount).toFixed(2)]]



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one size


one size [pre_order]

one size

$[[unit_price]] $[[compute_price(unit_price, None).toFixed(2)]]



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