Ti Tree

Anti Insect K9

Crafted from all-natural components, Anti Insect K9 is purposefully formulated to deter insects when applied to dogs, providing a gentle alternative to potent chemical flea and tick treatments. This organic blend excels in repelling fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, and other prevalent insects. Simply spray it evenly onto your dogs before departing your home, and reapply every four hours. It's important to remember that no product can guarantee 100% insect prevention. Be sure to inspect your pets after outdoor activities, such as hiking or returning from natural environments.

Ingredients: green tea, aloe vera gel, neem oil, rosemary essential oil, lavender essential oil. Enjoy a complimentary one-time refill.

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[[v.size]] [pre_order]



[[v.size]] [pre_order]


$[[v.unit_price]] $[[compute_price(v.unit_price, v.discount).toFixed(2)]]



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$[[unit_price]] $[[compute_price(unit_price, None).toFixed(2)]]



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